Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lost season 5 episode guide: episode 5.9 "Namaste"


In flashbacks, we see more of what happened to the Ajira flight--Namely pilot Frank manages to crash land it on the smaller, Hydra experimental island. On a runway. The same one we saw Sawyer and Kate helping to construct while prisoners of the Others?

Outside of the other pilot, most people seem to survive the crash. But Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer have disappeared, leaving just Sun, Frank and Ben on the smaller island. However, they soon make plans to head to the big island by outrigger. Ben knows where the boats are hidden. Before he gets paddling, though, Sun takes a paddle to him. To the back of his head, specifically, knocking him out cold. She and Frank then venture to the big island. When they arrive, however, the Dharma docks are in disarray (dig the alliteration) and the barracks are barren. Seemingly, anyhow. But then a light flicks on in one of the buildings and out steps...Christian Shepherd.

He's all alone there. All the windows have been boarded up. It's like a ghost town. Not even the Others are living there. Is this the far future? Anyhow, Sun says she's looking for her husband. Christian knows Jin's name and invited them into the building. He pulls a picture off the wall. It's from the 1970s.

"Here are your friends," Christian says. Hurley, Kate, Jack and the rest are depicted in a group shot of Dharma initiates. "You have a long journey ahead of you, I'm afraid," Christian tells Sun and Frank. And that's all we see of that storyline.

Meanwhile, back in the 70s, there's a new sheriff in town by the name of Sawyer. And he uses that post to smuggle new re-arrivals Jack, Kate and Hurley to the island into the Dharma fold by disguising them as new initiates. The cover story is that they've arrived by sub with a bunch of other people. They're given clothes, jobs and a place to live, no sweat.

The guy who is sweating, however, is Sayid. He's elsewhere on the island and is picked up by the Dharma-ites as a Hostile. Jin and Sawyer need to play along, and Sayid is locked up in the Dharma jail. Sawyer is trying to figure out a way to get him released. But, in the meantime, Sayid receives a visitor at his cell. It's a teenage Benjamin Linus.


* Was the Others' landing strip created for this purpose, or some other reason? Did Ben see this all coming? Was it planned?

* If past Ben met Sayid, does future Ben remember? What the heck is going on timeline-wise?

* Where's Locke? If he took an outrigger to the big island, does he end up in the same timeline as Sun and Frank?

* When are Sun and Frank? The future? What's happened to the Dharma settlement and the island? Is it inhabited outside of Christian Shepherd? How will they get back to the 70s?

* Why didn't Sun, Frank and Ben end up in the 70s? We know Ben probably didn't, because he's already on the island during that time frame, as the pre-teen who visits Sayid in Dharma jail. Do Sun and Frank also have a prior history on the island? Is Sun really the child of Pierre Chang?

* How is Sayid gonna get out of the hoosegow?

* What's gonna happen with the Jack-Sawyer-Kate-Juliet love quadrangle? Are they gonna find mutual peace and understanding? I don't think so.

* Amy reveals the name of her baby. It's Ethan. Evidently, the kid will grow up to be a creepy Oceanic-survivor-killing Other.

* Sawyer indicates that Faraday was with him and the rest in the 1970s, but not anymore? What happened to him?

* Jack is welcomed to the Dharma Initiative by the mysterious, one-armed Dr. Pierre Chang, familiar to us under various different names in the Dharma orientation videos. Does Chang realize Jack and the rest aren't who they seem?

* The Oceanic Dharma infiltrators know that Dharma settlers are eventually knocked off by the Others. Can they do anything to alter this future?

* The guy Jin confronts in the Flame Station is Radzinsky, a name we've heard in past seasons. Remember? Kelvin, the original man in the Hatch, told Desmond that Radzinsky went crazy and killed himself. Radzinsky is also the guy responsible for the map drawn on the Hatch's blast door.

* It looks like Radzinsky is building a model of the eventual Hatch.

* When Sun is in the Dharma barracks it looks as if there's a woman standing behind her. Maybe Christian isn't alone. Or maybe it's a production goof.

* Whose name did Ilana utter when Caesar awoke her on the plane? Sounded like "Tara" or "Sarah."

Also see:

* See a preview for next week's episode, "He's Our You."

* Read spoilers about "He's Our You."

* What we STILL don't know

Previous episodes:

* 5.1/5.2: "Because You Left" and "The Lie"
* 5.3: "Jughead"
* 5.4: "The Little Prince"
* 5.5: "This Place is Death"
* 5.6: "316"
* 5.7: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
* 5.8: "LaFleur"

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