Sayid is still cooling his heels in the Dharmaville jail and Sheriff LaFleur (a.k.a. Sawyer) is failing in his attempts to convince Dharma leader Horace to spring him loose.

Instead, the Dharmaites take Sayid to their interrogator, Oldham, who ties Sayid to a tree, loads him up with acid (the CIA did experiments using LSD as a truth drug back in the 1950s or 60s, y'know) and attempts to question him. Sayid, completely loaded, starts spouting off all he knows about Dharma stations and the like. The thing is, though, none of those stations have been built yet. The Dharma folks are a little freaked out. But when Sayid says that he's from "the future" they think that maybe he's just had a little too much acid.

Horace and the other Dharma leaders then retreat back to his cabin where they decide to vote Sayid off the island. Permanently. He's going to be executed and there's not a danged thing Sawyer can do to help.
No fear, though, creepy young Benjamin Linus is on the scene. While delivering another sandwich, he reveals to Sayid that he's been in contact with the Hostiles/Others. He wants to join them. He believes Sayid is an Other and wants to help him.
Meanwhile, in flashbacks, we learn more about Ilana, the woman who had Sayid handcuffed on the Ajira flight. Turns out she's a bounty hunter, evidently hired by the family of one of the Widmore associates Sayid assassinated at the grownup Ben's behest.
Back to the present (which, at this point is the 1970s), a flaming Dharma van goes crashing into one of the Initiative's buildings, distracting everyone from the jail, where Ben--they guy who evidently started the van on fire--lets Sayid out of his cell.

Ben and Sayid are escaping through the jungle when they are spotted by Jin. Jin wants to help Sayid, but says he must check with Sawyer. Before Jin can connect to Sawyer on the walkie, however, Sawyer clobbers him. Stealing Jin's gun he then proceeds to shoot young Ben right in the chest. This is really gonna mess with the timeline, man.

* If young Ben is dead, will this change the future?
* Will Ben survive somehow? Maybe Richard Alpert saves him.
* If Ben does live, does future Ben remember Sayid?

* Where will Sayid go now?
* Was Ilana really working for Widmore's people, or for Ben? I think Ben, as Ben didn't seem too terribly surprised to see Sayid on that Ajira plane.

* While Sayid is in jail, young Ben brings him the book "A Separate Reality," by 1960s/70s author Carlos Castenada, famed for his tomes about hallucinogenic insights, shamanism,etc. This is ahead of Sayid's Dharma-initiated acid trip--providing a hint at what was to come, I guess.

* Also while in jail, Sayid meets up with Ben's dad, Roger, who is a real jerk. This provides a little more insight into why the Others seemed so attractive to young Ben.
* Radzinsky threatens to alert "Ann Arbor" about the Sayid situation. The Initiative was created by University of Michigan researchers and, evidently, Horace is taking his orders from DeGroot, or whoever, back there. Will we ever get to meet these higher ups?
* Oldham is spinning Billie Holliday singing "I Can't Give You Anything But Love" on his Victrola, demonstrating that he has by far the best musical taste on the island.
* In the bar with Ilana, Sayid is drinking MacCutcheon whisky, which is Charles Widmore's drink of choice.
Also see:
See a preview for next week's episode: "What Happened, Happened."
Read spoilers about "What Happened, Happened."
What we STILL don't know.
Previous episodes:
* 5.1/5.2: "Because You Left" and "The Lie"
* 5.3: "Jughead"
*5.4: "The Little Prince"
* 5.5: "This Place is Death"
* 5.6: "316"
* 5.7: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
* 5.8: "LaFleur"
* 5.9: "Namaste"
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